Blackjack with a ‘Bonus Pairs’ side bet is an exciting variation of the classic blackjack game that provides players with additional winning opportunities. This variation introduces a side bet that pays out if the player’s first two cards form a pair, adding an extra layer of excitement to the traditional game. In this article, we will discuss the features, rules, and strategies of playing blackjack with a ‘Bonus Pairs’ side bet.

Features of Blackjack with ‘Bonus Pairs’ Side Bet

  • Standard blackjack gameplay: The main game of blackjack with a ‘Bonus Pairs’ side bet follows the traditional rules of blackjack, where the objective is to beat the dealer by having a hand value closer to 21 without exceeding it.
  • Optional side bet: In addition to the main blackjack game, players can choose to place an optional ‘Bonus Pairs’ side bet that is based on the player’s first two cards.
  • Attractive payouts: The ‘Bonus Pairs’ side bet offers attractive payouts for different types of pairs, such as mixed pairs, colored pairs, and perfect pairs.
  • Simple side bet rules: The ‘Bonus Pairs’ side bet adds an extra element of excitement to the game without making the rules overly complicated, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced blackjack players.

Rules of Blackjack with ‘Bonus Pairs’ Side Bet

  1. Players place their main blackjack bets and can choose to place the optional ‘Bonus Pairs’ side bet.
  2. The dealer deals two cards to each player and themselves, following the standard blackjack dealing procedure.
  3. If the player’s first two cards form a pair, the ‘Bonus Pairs’ side bet pays out according to the paytable. Common payouts include:
    • Mixed pair (two cards of different suits and colors): 6 to 1
    • Colored pair (two cards of the same color but different suits): 12 to 1
    • Perfect pair (two identical cards): 25 to 1
  4. The main blackjack game continues as usual, with players making decisions to hit, stand, double down, or split based on their hand value and the dealer’s upcard.

Strategies for Blackjack with ‘Bonus Pairs’ Side Bet

  • Follow basic blackjack strategy: For the main game, players should apply basic blackjack strategy to minimize the house edge and increase their chances of winning.
  • Manage your bankroll: While the ‘Bonus Pairs’ side bet offers attractive payouts, it also has a higher house edge than the main blackjack game. Players should manage their bankroll and be cautious about the amount they wager on the side bet.
  • Understand side bet odds: Familiarize yourself with the odds and payouts for the different types of pairs in the ‘Bonus Pairs’ side bet. This will help you make informed decisions about whether to place the side bet and how much to wager.

Blackjack with a ‘Bonus Pairs’ side bet offers an exciting and engaging twist on the classic game by providing players with additional winning opportunities. The simple side bet rules make this variation suitable for both beginners and experienced players, adding an extra layer of excitement without complicating the gameplay. By following basic blackjack strategy and managing their bankroll effectively, players can enjoy the thrilling combination of traditional blackjack and the ‘Bonus Pairs’ side bet.

Game Rules

  • Eight decks are used. The deck is shuffled after 20% of the cards have been used.
  • The dealer draws a card on soft 17.
  • Double on any first two cards.
  • Doubling is also provided as an option after splitting.
  • A maximum of three splits is allowed.
  • If you split aces, only one card will be dealt to each ace.
  • The surrender option is offered after the dealer has checked to see if he has a blackjack.
  • The ‘insurance’ option is offered to the player in case the dealer has an ace as his first card.

Bonus Pairs Side Bet

The player can place an optional ‘Bonus Pairs’ side bet, which pays based on the first two cards he is dealt.

The minimum bet for ‘Bonus Pairs’ bets is $1. The maximum bet is $10.

Here is the paytable:

Bonus Pairs Pay Table
Mixed pair (same rank, different suits & different colours.) 6-1
Coloured pair (same rank, same colour, different suits.) 12-1
Exact pair 25-1